Need a free therapy session?

Need a free therapy session?

Winter has so definitely arrived now, I’m looking out of my window at grey drizzle and my toes are cold. It doesn’t feel good does it? It doesn’t make me feel like pulling my wellies on and getting wet for a second time today, which would be my preferred method of  taking a brain break in the middle of the day… so what to do?

Well I feel I am in luck, I have a very lovely friend to whom I can tell all these worries (other than you of course!)… there is definitely something to be said for animals and their natural ability to inspire playfulness & calm the mind for a moment, without words…

A dogs life

A free therapy session,  eye contact, a soft touch, smelly breath !!
Keeping it real… Animals we salute you!

And if you need more help getting through winter why not join us for a nourishing weekend yoga retreat this February. This blissful weekend is the perfect Winter getaway, letting you relax after the busy festive season, nurture your body and soul and switch off completely.
Dogs just want to get you out of the house though, I’m getting pressure on me right now to get out and give him a walk …I really don’t want to go, but I have too… and once I’ve done it I’ll feel great… another free therapy session, off we go!!!